Mindfulness in a Nutshell

Everyone’s talking about it. Magazines and books are full of it, but are you missing out on Mindfulness?

Find out all you need to know about this amazing calorie-free craze with mindfulness in a nutshell.

What is it?

‘Paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally,’ explains Mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn, ‘Our thinking controls our actions and behaviors.’

It’s hard to ‘be positive’ all the time, especially when the going gets tough.  Nothing irritates more than a grim positivity.  Mindfulness is simply a way of living that creates a balanced outlook, helping you enjoy life and deal with the bad stuff.

Who doesn’t love a list?  Here are my 7 Mindfulness in a Nutshell tips to get you started.

1.  Shut up!

I wonder if you would talk to anyone else the way you talk to yourself without being sued for slander!

Self-talk is a constant chatter of criticism that affects your outlook and energy levels.

Start by noticing how you talk to yourself.  Gradually change it.  Keep it real.  Praise yourself when you get to work on time, pop in a wash or find a parking space.  Use words like Yes, and I will and  thank you. You know when someone says ‘I’ll try to call you’ –  it rarely happens.

2.  Quit the forensics

So, you could have done it quicker or better.  The past can’t be changed.  Make a note of how you will prepare better for next time.

Ask why and focus on your skills or performance upgrade.

3.  Make a list

If it’s good enough for Santa … write a list and check it twice.  It spurs you to action, gets stuff done and minimizes distraction.  Or finding yourself hi-jacked into other peoples projects. Enjoy doing what you have decided to do.

4.  Be flexible

Plans and lists are just a rough outline. Your journey is the story  of you …  your adventure, disappointments, triumphs, changes, people, places and motivation.

5.  Routine

When you have a routine you stay in the moment of what you are doing.  Saves energy.  The secret is having the best routines and altering them to suit your changing life.  This gives you time to look ahead and make achievable goals. Include  food-shopping, cooking, new recipes, exercise, walks in nature, fun, reading, socializing, as part of your  Mindfulness well-being  routine.

6.  Mind-reading & fortune-telling

How often do you assume what people are thinking or going to do?  It’s a sort of Mammy thing.  Conjuring up a scenario worthy of Mrs Brown’s Boys.  Steady on, in real life you only get to focus on your reaction.  Decide how much energy to spend on imagining various scenarios.  It’s none of your business what other people are thinking of you.  Unless you’re getting seriously well paid for it, forget the Gypsy Rose Lee number.

7.  Seeing is believing

How good are you at imagining if things go wrong?  Remember to imagine things going right for a change.  You’ll cover all options and be ready for  great opportunities.

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Helena Tubridy

Helena Tubridy is a Fertility Expert, Hypnotherapist, Author and former Midwife, passionate about helping couples achieve pregnancy. Her therapy can double IVF conception rates and boost natural fertility. Latest fertility information, blogs and audio downloads are on her website http://www,helenatubridy.com