How to be a lady? Only if you want to be…


Wiki how, the website that shows us how to do anything has a little segment on “How to be a lady”.  I consider myself a lady, I mean us females only love acting like ladies….when is suits us that is.  I won’t tell you the mess I got myself into this weekend that made me ask the internet such a question like HOW TO ACT LIKE A LADY

I wanted to dissect a few of these tips and see what they really mean and they were actually very funny in a sort of, it’s not the 1940s kinda way.  Let me know what you Ladies think @MissAineONeill

They are broken into 3 sections

1) Behaving like a lady

2) Dressing like a lady

3) Table étiquette (Table wha?)


Make Introductions, I s**t you not.  Apparently there is a way to introduce someone to somebody else… ” If you are talking to one person and another person approaches, introduce the person you were initially talking to the person who has just arrived.”  I guess a high 5 is out of the question and air kisses are a must.


Educate yourself… Well this I can agree with. I think this is essential to just being a well rounded person in general but as Wiki points out, “If you are not enrolled in school, then find alternative ways to educate yourself.  Read plenty of books (both fiction and non-fiction), read the news, and attend seminars and/or discussions.”  Listening to Mary gossip about Anne down the road is not the same ladies, I repeat, it is not the same.

grannyHave good posture… Now how this makes a lady I do not know.  Yes it’s better for us and yes it makes us look better but are they the 2 components of being a lady?  I don’t think so.  But Wiki thinks so “Standing and sitting up straight are signs of a true lady.  ” I’m starting to think a man wrote this while sitting on a cushiony chair that vibrates.

chairDon’t overeat or drink excessively…Now sorry this is where I fall over the hurdle.  I eat more than my BF on most occasions and to say I enjoy a tipple is an understatement.  Is this not allowed?  Not really, having self control is the main key, “Being a lady requires having self-control and will power, and each of these activities is an example of overindulgence”.  Sorry if you can’t understand me my mouth is full of crisps.  If we exercise enough to stay healthy why can’t we overindulge now and again?



Dress elegantly… I get this but then I kinda don’t.  Fashion changes all the time and us women tend to go with it.  If boob tubes are in one season and wooly jumpers the next, you best believe we will have both.  I think it’s more about dressing for the body you have and not the body you want and when trying something all always go with your gut reaction.  We sometimes wear things based on our better judgment so it’s no harm to ask a truthful friend.  Nine out of ten, if in doubt, throw it out….(that goes for men too!).

Woman trying on clothes in fitting roomWash and Iron your clothes… Yep, a man definitely wrote this.  Most of us women are a stickler for been clean and if I’m honest it’s the men who seem to be more afraid of the soap some days.  But just in case you forgot “Iron your clothes to remove any wrinkles, and be sure to wash your clothes if they are stained”.   Thanks Wiki, how have us women gotten by in life so far.  For the small % of women who don’t already follow these rules and for the messy men out there, don’t go out like this.

aaDon’t wear excessive make up or revealing clothes… Well that’s it, I’m definitely not a lady so.  I love nothing more then a bitta make up.  But some people do go a bit over board.  Make up should be only used to show your natural beauty that we all have, not to make us unrecognizable. ” Elegance requires minimalism; wear makeup to accentuate your beauty, not to cover it up”.   So step away from the blusher brush and avoid leaving the house looking like a tribes person.


Table Etiquette...  I for one don’t think Eddie Rockets and Nandos expect this from me, but if I do ever wander into a nice restaurant I shall stick by these 3 rules… Don’t talk on the phone, don’t chew with your mouth open and… actually ignore this part, you need to eat to live and once you don’t resemble a Zoo animal at feeding time then you’re fine.  And the world we live in means sometimes having to take a phone call at dinner time, so what, nobody died… unless they did and in that case you should definitely take that call.


Aine O'Neill

Aine has worked in production, media and loves presenting. She has worked alongside Marty Whelan, Dermot Whelan, Stephen Cooper & many more. Most recently worked for Waka TV on RTE'S Six in the City & Wagons Den. Follow Aine on twitter @MissAineONeill for sneaky look into her world.